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Become an Affiliate Partner for Ahista Tea


As an affiliate, you’ll be joining our tea community while earning attractive commissions.

Contact us at and we will set up your unique tracking URLs in just minutes.

Our Product: Ahista means 'at a slow pace' or 'to slowly' -this brings to mind the art of slow living by taking a step back and savoring each moment with thoughtfulness and intention. We take a minimalist approach when infusing tradition and innovation into our teas and tea-related products; which are handmade, timeless, minimal, and sustainable. Our goal is to elevate experiences at Michelin-starred restaurants, luxury boutique hotels and cafés around the world by exploring possibilities between food, art and culture

Social Mission: Compassion and kindness are the key values that drive our brand. This year through Save the Children, each gift box sold will feed a meal to a child less fortunate in India for an entire month. When you buy a box of Ahista Tea, you’re not only buying a box. You’re supporting an ecosystem designed around making a difference and a brand that seeks to do more than just profit.

Here are some of the reasons our customers and partners prefer the Ahista Tea affiliate program:

• 10% Commission
• 30 Day Cookie
• Affiliate Promotions
• Parasite Free
• Dedicated Affiliate Management
